Interactive SQL Queries#
New in version 0.7:
pip install jupysql --upgrade
Interactive command allows you to visualize and manipulate widget and interact with your SQL clause. We will demonstrate how to create widgets and dynamically query the dataset.
%sql --interact
requires ipywidgets
: pip install ipywidgets
%sql --interact {{widget_variable}}
First, you need to define the variable as the form of basic data type or ipywidgets Widget.
Then pass the variable name into --interact
%load_ext sql
import ipywidgets as widgets
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
if not Path("penguins.csv").is_file():
%sql duckdb://
Basic Data Types#
The simplest way is to declare a variable with basic data types (Numeric, Text, Boolean…), the ipywidgets will autogenerates UI controls for those variables
body_mass_min = 3500
%sql --interact body_mass_min SELECT * FROM penguins.csv WHERE body_mass_g > {{body_mass_min}} LIMIT 5
island = ( # Try to change Torgersen to Biscoe, Torgersen or Dream in the below textbox
%sql --interact island SELECT * FROM penguins.csv WHERE island == '{{island}}' LIMIT 5
You can use widgets to build fully interactive GUIs for your SQL clause.
See more for complete Widget List
body_mass_lower_bound = widgets.IntSlider(min=2500, max=3500, step=25, value=3100)
%sql --interact body_mass_lower_bound SELECT * FROM penguins.csv WHERE body_mass_g <= {{body_mass_lower_bound}} LIMIT 5
bill_length_mm_lower_bound = widgets.FloatSlider(
min=35.0, max=45.0, step=0.1, value=40.0
%sql --interact bill_length_mm_lower_bound SELECT * FROM penguins.csv WHERE bill_length_mm <= {{bill_length_mm_lower_bound}} LIMIT 5
Complete Example#
To demonstrate the way to combine basic data type and ipywidgets into our interactive SQL Clause
body_mass_lower_bound = 3600
show_limit = (0, 50, 1)
sex_selection = widgets.RadioButtons(
options=["MALE", "FEMALE"], description="Sex", disabled=False
species_selections = widgets.SelectMultiple(
options=["Adelie", "Chinstrap", "Gentoo"],
value=["Adelie", "Chinstrap"],
# rows=10,
%%sql --interact show_limit --interact body_mass_lower_bound --interact species_selections --interact sex_selection
SELECT * FROM penguins.csv
WHERE species IN{{species_selections}} AND
body_mass_g > {{body_mass_lower_bound}} AND
sex == '{{sex_selection}}'
LIMIT {{show_limit}}