Parameterizing arguments#

New in version 0.10.8: JupySQL uses Jinja templates for enabling parametrization of arguments. Arguments are parametrized with {{variable}}.

Parametrization via {{variable}}#

JupySQL supports variable expansion of arguments in the form of {{variable}}. This allows the user to specify arguments with placeholders that can be replaced by variables dynamically.

The benefits of using parametrized arguments is that they can be reused for different purposes.

Let’s load some data and connect to the in-memory DuckDB instance:

%load_ext sql
%sql duckdb://
%config SqlMagic.displaylimit = 3
Connecting to 'duckdb://'
filename = "penguins.csv"
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.request import urlretrieve

if not Path("penguins.csv").is_file():

Now let’s create a snippet from the data by declaring a table variable and use it in the --save argument.

Create a snippet#

table = "penguins_data"
%%sql --save {{table}}
FROM penguins.csv
Running query in 'duckdb://'
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
Adelie Torgersen 39.1 18.7 181 3750 MALE
Adelie Torgersen 39.5 17.4 186 3800 FEMALE
Adelie Torgersen 40.3 18.0 195 3250 FEMALE
Truncated to displaylimit of 3.
snippet = %sqlcmd snippets {{table}}
FROM penguins.csv

Plot a histogram#

Now, let’s declare a variable column and plot a histogram on the data.

column = "body_mass_g"
%sqlplot boxplot --table {{table}} --column {{column}}
<Axes: title={'center': "'body_mass_g' from 'penguins_data'"}, ylabel='body_mass_g'>

Profile and Explore#

We can use the filename variable to profile and explore the data as well:

%sqlcmd profile --table {{filename}}
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
count 344 344 342 342 342 342 333
unique 3 3 164 80 55 94 2
top Adelie Biscoe nan nan nan nan MALE
freq 152 168 nan nan nan nan 168
mean nan nan 43.9219 17.1512 200.9152 4201.7544 nan
std nan nan 5.4516 1.9719 14.0411 800.7812 nan
min nan nan 32.1 13.1 172 2700 nan
25% nan nan 39.2000 15.6000 190.0000 3550.0000 nan
50% nan nan 44.4000 17.3000 197.0000 4050.0000 nan
75% nan nan 48.5000 18.7000 213.0000 4750.0000 nan
max nan nan 59.6 21.5 231 6300 nan
%sqlcmd explore --table {{filename}}

Run some tests#

%sqlcmd test --table {{table}} --column {{column}} --greater 3500