Product Analytics#

Product analytics is the process of analyzing users’ behaviours when they interact with a product or service. It helps to understand which features users like, what challenges they face when using the product or service, and at what point they turn away. Product teams use these insights to improve the product or service.

In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to perform product analytics using SQL for an e-commerce website.


Let’s look at some common metrics used in product analytics.

Growth Rate: User growth rate is the speed at which a business gains new users over a particular period. It is usually measured within a monthly period.

Retention: User retention is an important metric that looks at what percentage of first-time users returned in subsequent periods.

Both these metrics will help to understand how well the users are interacting with the E-commerce platform.


For this tutorial, we will generate a small dataset user_activity. It consists of three columns: user_id, date, activity_count.

  • user_id : the unique identifier of the user

  • date: the date on which a user interaction has taken place

  • activity_count: the number of interactions made by the user on that date. If the user never used this app before this month, this is considered their sign-up month.

First, we’ll install the required packages.

%pip install jupysql duckdb-engine --quiet
Hide code cell output
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.

Now, load the extension and connect to an in-memory DuckDB database:

%load_ext sql
%sql duckdb://
Connecting to 'duckdb://'

JupySQL allows users to run SQL queries easily using %sql and %%sql magics. We will use these magics to generate the dataset:

CREATE TABLE user_activity (
  user_id INT NOT NULL,
  activity_count INT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (user_id, date)
INSERT INTO user_activity (user_id, date, activity_count)
  (1, '2021-01-01', 5),
  (1, '2021-02-01', 3),
  (1, '2021-03-01', 2),
  (2, '2021-01-01', 10),
  (3, '2021-02-01', 1),
  (3, '2021-03-01', 0),
  (4, '2021-02-01', 6),
  (5, '2021-01-01', 4),
  (5, '2021-02-01', 5),
  (5, '2021-03-01', 6),
  (6, '2021-03-01', 7),
  (7, '2021-03-01', 10);
Running query in 'duckdb://'

Let’s verify that the table is populated correctly.

SELECT * FROM user_activity
Running query in 'duckdb://'
user_id date activity_count
1 2021-01-01 5
1 2021-02-01 3
1 2021-03-01 2
2 2021-01-01 10
3 2021-02-01 1
3 2021-03-01 0
4 2021-02-01 6
5 2021-01-01 4
5 2021-02-01 5
5 2021-03-01 6
Truncated to displaylimit of 10.


As defined above, the growth rate is the percentage increase of the total number of users each month.

We first calculate the total number of users in each month. JupySQL allows users to save query snippets using --save argument and use these snippets to compose larger queries.

%%sql --save monthly_user_count
Select MONTH(date) as month, COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS total_users
FROM user_activity
Running query in 'duckdb://'
month total_users
1 3
2 4
3 5

Here, we will group the dataset by the month of the date, and then count the number of distinct users as the total number of users. We can use monthly_user_count in the cell below because it is saved from the cell above and jupysql automatically infers it when monthly_user_count is passed. Also, note that ‘/’ in SQL between two integers performs integer division. For example, 10/3 would be 3 instead of 3.33333. So the result needs to be multiplied by 1.0 to convert it to float.

SELECT c1.month as PrevMonth, c2.month as CurrentMonth,ROUND((c2.total_users - c1.total_users)*1.0/c1.total_users*100, 2) AS Growth_Rate_in_Percentage
FROM monthly_user_count c1, monthly_user_count c2
WHERE c1.month = c2.month - 1
Generating CTE with stored snippets: 'monthly_user_count', and 'monthly_user_count'
Running query in 'duckdb://'
PrevMonth CurrentMonth Growth_Rate_in_Percentage
1 2 33.33
2 3 25.0

The user growth rate between January and February is 33.33% while that of the February-March period is 25%.

The use of self join in the query might be confusing. Here is a brief explanation of what the self join is doing. After we run the command FROM monthly_user_count c1, monthly_user_count c2 The table we get is a cartesian product of these three rows:

SELECT c1.month AS 'c1.month', c1.total_users AS 'c1.total_users', c2.month AS 'c2.month', c2.total_users AS 'c2.total_users'
FROM monthly_user_count c1, monthly_user_count c2
Generating CTE with stored snippets: 'monthly_user_count', and 'monthly_user_count'
Running query in 'duckdb://'
c1.month c1.total_users c2.month c2.total_users
1 3 1 3
2 4 1 3
3 5 1 3
1 3 2 4
2 4 2 4
3 5 2 4
1 3 3 5
2 4 3 5
3 5 3 5

Then, with WHERE c1.month = c2.month - 1, we filter out the total number of users for subsequential months.

SELECT c1.month AS 'c1.month', c1.total_users AS 'c1.total_users', c2.month AS 'c2.month', c2.total_users AS 'c2.total_users'
FROM monthly_user_count c1, monthly_user_count c2
WHERE c1.month = c2.month - 1
Generating CTE with stored snippets: 'monthly_user_count', and 'monthly_user_count'
Running query in 'duckdb://'
c1.month c1.total_users c2.month c2.total_users
1 3 2 4
2 4 3 5

As shown above, we calculate the final growth rate using c1.total_users and c2.total_users.


The period over which user retention is calculated can vary across companies, Here, we define retention as the percentage of users who still use the app one month after their first login.

We will first create two query snippets : first_time_users and retention_users.

%%sql --save first_time_users

SELECT MONTH(date) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT u.user_id) AS first_time_users
FROM user_activity u
  SELECT user_id, MIN(date) AS first_login
  FROM user_activity
  GROUP BY user_id
) t ON u.user_id = t.user_id AND = t.first_login
Running query in 'duckdb://'
month first_time_users
1 3
2 2
3 2

From the results, we can see that in January, 3 users started to use the app. Similarly, 2 users started using the app in the month of February, and 2 users start using in March.

Then, for each month, we calculate the number of users who still use the app after one month of first-login

%%sql --save retention_users
SELECT MONTH(first_login) AS month, COUNT(DISTINCT u. user_id) AS retention_users
FROM user_activity u
SELECT user_id, MIN(date) AS first_login
FROM user_activity
GROUP BY user_id) t 
ON u.user_id = t.user_id
WHERE MONTH(date) = MONTH(first_login) +1
GROUP BY MONTH(first_login)
Running query in 'duckdb://'
month retention_users
1 2
2 1

Here, the condition WHERE MONTH(date) = MONTH(first_login) + 1 ensured that we only consider users who still using the app for at least one month since signing up on the platform. As we can see, 2 out of 3 users continue to use the app beyond a month.

Now, we will join the first_time_users and retention_users tables and calculate the retention rate.

SELECT f.month, first_time_users, IFNULL(retention_users, 0) AS retention_users, ROUND(retention_users * 1.0 / first_time_users, 4)*100 AS retention_rate
FROM first_time_users f 
FULL OUTER JOIN retention_users r
ON f.month = r.month
Generating CTE with stored snippets: 'first_time_users', and 'retention_users'
Running query in 'duckdb://'
month first_time_users retention_users retention_rate
1 3 2 66.67
2 2 1 50.0
3 2 0 None


In this tutorial, we learnt how to use cell magics in JupySQL and easily run SQL queries. We also learnt how we can formulate complex queries using --save argument. These tools come in handy when performing complex data analytics tasks like product analytics.